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At Emanuel University of Oradea, equipping you thoroughly for your heavenly calling is our priority. Be ready to learn and unlearn, to listen, and ask questions as well. You will seek, and you will find. Daily. This is the path of learning. Be ready to grow!

Student life at the EUO is not for those who want an easy and comfortable life. Nor for those without other options. Studying at EUO is for you only if you truly want to grow and do more for God and alongside Him. The vision and calling to change the world for the Kingdom of God require passion, hard work, diligence, and perseverance.

Step into a world of learning and training at EUO, a world with rigorous demands and multiple challenges, not only for the diploma you will receive at the end but especially for the equipping process you will go through in all your years with us.

ADMISSION GUIDE (RO)> more details (RO)

Welcome to

EMANUEL university of ORADEA

Emanuel University of Oradea is a unique school in Europe. It differs from all other universities in that:

  • it is the only accredited conservative Baptist university in Europe;
  • it is dedicated to the balanced development of students, both spiritually and academically, with a special emphasis on character formation;
  • it promotes authentic living by integrating all areas of study into the Christian understanding of the world and life.
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EUO's Mission


Emanuel University of Oradea is a conservative evangelical university dedicated to training and equipping the next generation of pastors, missionaries, business people, teachers, computer scientists, social workers and musicians to fulfill the Great Commission.

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  • Facultatea de Teologie

    "Atunci am înţeles de ce nu m-am putut opune chemării lui Dumnezeu de a studia Teologia: temelia Universităţii Emanuel a fost udată din belşug cu lacrimile Bisericii persecutate. Ani de zile Biserica lui Cristos din Oradea s-a rugat şi a plâns pentru această universitate, ca aici să fie echipată o…

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  • Facultatea de Management

    "Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea m-a ajutat să mă dezvolt pe toate planurile dar, cel mai important, mi-a dat posibilitatea de a sluji și de a strânge comori pentru cer. Cadrele didactice m-au ajutat să realizez importanța omului de afaceri creștin în impactul său asupra lumii din secolul XXI. Nu regret nicio…

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