



In accordance with the Law no. 88/1993 on accreditation of higher education institutions and recognition of diplomas, as amended, Emanuel University of Oradea received institutional accreditation by Law no. 486/2002.

Also, all study programmes and specialisations within the university are accredited or in the process of accreditation. Graduates’ diplomas, issued by the Ministry of Education and Research, are recognised both in the country and abroad.

Emanuel University of Oradea was externally evaluated in 2013 by the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP), within the project „Performance in Research, Performance in Teaching – Quality, Diversity, and Innovation in Romanian Universities”, according to the provisions of the National Education Law no. 1/2011, as amended. The Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) is part of the European University Association (EUA), a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and registered in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). The Institutional Evaluation Report can be consulted on the website of Emanuel University of Oradea.

IEP Final Raport

According to the legislation in force, every accredited university in Romania is subject to the external evaluation process every five years. In 2015, Emanuel University of Oradea was externally evaluated by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), a full member of ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).

The main objectives of the evaluation, as mentioned in the report, focused on examining the content and quality of the educational process, study programmes, scientific research, academic, institutional, administrative-financial and managerial leadership structures, the integration of graduates in the labour market, the relationship with employers and with other universities in the country and abroad.

The result of this external evaluation process of the universities is materialized in: a) maintaining or losing the accreditation, and b) positioning the university in the hierarchy of accredited universities in Romania according to the rating obtained – „limited confidence”, „confidence” or „high confidence”.

In the ARACIS Council meeting of 17.12.2015, following the analysis and validation of the External Quality Assessment Report, Emanuel University of Oradea was awarded the „high degree of confidence” rating.

ARACIS Council Report

By God’s grace, 30 years after its foundation, Emanuel University of Oradea, the only accredited conservative Baptist university in Europe, ranks among the best universities in Romania. To God be the glory also for this achievement!

QUAFIN 2021 classification/ranking